

the plastic fluid settled like a taciturn old man, in the lowest parts being the fleshy scrotum and turned a livid eggplant hue which did not deter our amorous intentions and he pecked away in stops and starts- stabbing little flesh shots of joy in one ear and out the other while the clamorous bells of the church rang out in frantic peals as the steeple ripped the bellies out of virgin clouds and all the while the one legged bandicoot snuffled anxiously around the tattered bed, sniffing at the sybarite scents and bemoaning his own wicked needs to bite young women there...yes there, in the fleshy folds of agony.


Ruela said...

lovely image!

Anonymous said...

I love the word flow, and sympathise with the bandicoot.(who doesn't have wicked needs?

Also agree, lovely image.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

Lovely image of course but what a wondefully curious set of words. I would like to visit those fleshy folds of agony as they sound scrummy!

Aaron Held said...

brilliant images and words, whatever you did to achieve that effect in the images it's amazing!

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