In Scented Heaven
In scented heaven let me lay
as nose and mouth start to play,
and taste the honey on your lips
from warmly probing fingertips,
and hear the pleasure of your sighs,
a symphony of widening thighs,
as tongue and fingers gently quest
the softly yielding angel nest,
where deep within a spark lights;
a glowing ember star ignites,
and random passions swiftly fly
to burn like sunlight in your sky.
filmed but spectacle / anarchical persuades to projects
filmed but spectacle / anarchical persuades to projects
The (a left it’s gaps / itself filmed but spectacle ]
his tradition to certain detours will cause styles that are defunct
with scaffolding or such objects as your current look:
and, -
motives shocking careful / makes them End for time
most begin as use to make construction sorts & forms useless
environment / et aliae
a prow emotional détournement
such as said pro-fascist dynamic fell sort of self suggested
in only of which are related french-style
fanatical baroque architectural,
those that for constant masses often apply savor desert privileges
in case of studies
tender evaluation
an in is rather assertive out
the cause had admirers parks
the gardens of your ideas leaving charm to have arrangements existing past
sculptural light in cranes behavior seems like his architectural underwear
though used as any boat made of elastic architecture torpedo
possibly made of things stuck to her monument
however, case that line.
that experimental stage, that not had detourned, conceived a book
that ‘We’ & his body without as age pregnant as most straight humans have named it
all and extent that as just as well spelled this swine to the other extant point
as an propagated furniture has aside of in complex new patriotic spectacles
causing this all will replacing metal
automobiles & success transporting the context
urbanism utilitarian capitalist contradicting the progress
abundance psychogeographical bricks
future society & its police
‘most the astonishing that propaganda’
Out of the dark ages and into the mire
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chair. Has anyone been to Vegas? A few hands eventually
lowered. It could have been chased; Songs to fill the silence
brought row five to the edge of subversion. It turned to
my father, teleportation in effect: to cure the sound system.
She looked over: It was barely silver against her neck
like slithers of moonlight to spark a conversation. All stories
should end this way. Humans don't realize, they are more or
less asleep unless given tranquilizers:
Orgasm the smooth: Like
5 stars for breakfast, my favourite dish; if it can be
recalled:- She turned dark like the plane had tilted and she faced the night sky. .
Suicide inaugurate;
@3D it chose of course to accept the debate - The shadow
of the skyscraper scarred the flesh of the city_
i want to drown in your ocean and feel your sapid salt drip from my tongue. i want to feel the blunt geometry of your hips rise against me like a tide. to trace the marbled carriageway of your thighs with fingertips that flutter like moths across the hungry swell of your vulva. to lay face down at the altar of your being and breathe in that intoxicating scent. to feel the stubborn mystery of your belly as hands steal over your undulating camber, desperate to devour the hard swelling yet softly yielding fullness of your breast.
lips brush lips. petal soft and blushing pink.
my tongue a traveler in the rebus of you.
i want to trace the echo of your spine and draw electric circles on the soft down at the nape of your neck and follow the bump and dip of your back with shallow bites and kisses down to the cushioned pillow that softens the point of your hips. i want to press my mouth to you perineum. between anus and vagina. listen to your sighs. watch you shudder. legs part to the push from my knee. my hand grips your moist desire and i lift you up to me. a peach impaled. a fruit that weeps its wanting. your hands claw the sheets carving crazy patterns in the linen. your head drops and rises to the rhythm of my thrusts.
you grunt in time to the rhythm. low animal sounds.
my maleness a provocateur in the fervor of you.
and after, when ardor has grown and flown like the explosive beat of nightingales wings bursting from the womb of venus and we lay extinguished like super novas grown cold. like stars that have burnt incandescently bright and now spin in a limpid orbit. captive to tangled limbs. coated in a gloss of sweet sweat. in the battleground wreckage that is the disheveled ruin of our bed. and after, when passion is spent and mirrored by our flacid flesh. our hands explore. the muscle in my jaw. the fine delineation of your cheek. our nipples now soft. your hair a confusion of wanton pleasure. your hair that hangs heavy and black and redolent with jasmine.
we smile. smug, self satisfied grins.

The Social Masochist

Is extremely valuable
It lets you know when something is wrong
I've hurt people
I feel bad
I don't want to do it again
So I pick at old scabs
The wounds stay fresh
The memories splayed open
I will not forget
I can not forget
I'm not able to forget
My memory is broken
I wear it like a red string
Tied to an index finger
Blood soaked and pointing inward
History can not repeat itself when time is frozen like this
But this is the fallacy of the social masochist
Upon injury
Upon injury
To avoid inflicting further injury
Inner conflict
Pain and misery
Spiritually disfigured
The soul leaks puss
layered and leprous
Open sore stories of traumatic events
Not allowed to heal
The mouth and hands the most grotesque
It hurts when I open up
So I open up on purpose
Not opening up at all hurts worse
I hurt people that don't deserve it
With beliefs and thoughts
Like razor blades and salt
Self-fulfilling prophecies of doom
I see the future
As lemon juice soaking sutures
But hey
At least I'm not hurting you

Cutting, back the time, that I am not...
Your getting better, except for your rashes.
delighted, under light, on a link.
Wow, super frappe house, stuck in my tooth.
prisoner, lone.. ah mannn.
jabbing that in to you. ow.
the mummy, gang leaders, my pals and forks.
brush my sleep, with star dust, sort it out, among bucks, antlers of the tide.
roman shields all covered in arrows...ah switch on the electric heat.
getting out of them, pipes freezing.
sorry your untouchable face, doth haste.
unbelievable, you... you can go anywhere.
drills made from men.
down to two words.
the place called Willard.
of the moth,
tangle me in
the little house in your tooth.
with children playing,
sometimes to loud,
you yell it's to loud.
sometimes you have a break in the glass,
with cheese, ornamental and some old wines glasses,
dripping in a puddle.
I will go outside now..
peel the lemons,
ripen the sand.
What shame awaits? How nice it would be.
muarakami in pastels
there are times when, and you must know this, that your spirit rises up like mercury. silver shot and liquid and your word weave fits so perfectly into our waking dreams that acquiescence to your sprite like soul is the only affordable mode of being.
softly, softly, catchee monkey.
down past the golden dunes where the surf meets the fantasy of your piquant prose i tumble meekly into the milky void.
where the white winds whip passionate droplets of emotion like snowflakes taken and enlarged from screen size zero to screen size seventeen ten zero zero by seventeen ten zero zero.
snowflakes in brittle spring sun.
snowdrops in bitter winter winds.
you compose your magic out of sinuous cobwebs titanium spun but with the fragile feel and look of rice paper. a captivating concoction that leans upon the rickety crutch of realism as it bends our thoughts like malleable plasticine into a lantern lit frame.
like vapour trails that look as though they were made of chromium but in reality are fragile lace.
shadow dancing on silk curtains.
an epiphany of you.
for a fistful of your imagination i would cast my soul into the void.
to follow in your footfall is an impossible task as the road they take leads us into the heart of the sun and beyond and i am but a hollow icarus.
a shallow shadow in the pastel shades of you.
A poem for Duffy
Dancing around, The square edges of Klondike.
The first 4 thoughts I had this morning
Searching for the world; The four corners of
The Vatican. The Vatican is excused as far as I
can tell.
and saccharine
"you make everything so, treacle like", she said, "every sentiment becomes sticky ."
i had known Sandra a long time. too long i guess, long enough to know when she meant what she said. and this she meant.
you make everything so, treacle like, she said.
and this she meant you make everything so, treacle like, she said.
and this she said.
I walked away with the thought still pulsing. My head hurt and my heart felt sore but…
Walk on. Walk on.
I walked past the bus stop and the kebab shop where meat hung like a surrealist sculpture. Surrealism and Dada collided in my mind fracturing the words she had spoken. Re-writing them over and over and with hammer hard beats. Rain fell in an accompaniment to my pulse and the hammer beats. Puddles collected images. Kerb stones and streetlights.
you make everything so, treacle like, she meant you make everything so, treacle like, she said.
and this she meant you make everything so,
treacle like, she said.
and this she meant you make everything so, treacle like, she said.
and this she meant you make everything so,
The words felt like a corruption of vowels. As if syntax had been shredded and replaced with an alien understanding of English.
and saccharine i had known sandra too long enough to know ...
How the hell could I go back and make right what I had said so wrong? Life isn’t like that is it? It isn’t a rehearsal. You get the once so make the most of it. And I had screwed up big time.
“I love you more than life itself.”
Was that so bad a thing to say? Was it?
Was it so wrong to allow a little sentiment to enter our world?
I didn’t think so and the more I thought the more I knew that I was right and she was wrong.
and this she said.
this she meant you
make everything so, treacle like, she said.
and this she said.
Sandra lives in this place where only the real carries weight and anything even a little mushy is tantamount to false emotions. She had never grasped the fact that humans have to deal with their own inner feelings whilst trying to manage the emotional expectations of others.
Why was I sorry?
I hadn’t done anything wrong. All I had said was “I love you more than life itself.”
She had made me feel as though I had violated a nun. As though I had screwed a choir boy.
and saccharine i had known sandra too long enough to know ...
and saccharine i had known sandra too long enough to know ...be better
The bitch.
I turned my face into the rain and raised two fingers back toward her flat.
and this she said.
this she meant you
make everything so,
treacle like, she said.
and this she said
and this
My head began to clear and the rain seemed warm and friendly. Puddles fell at my feet in wet circles.
I walked on.
And on.
my last chance at upbringer
h is raw today. a kidder. all fueled up on stars that burn to evade. no producer, no energiser, h is unknown as a possibility. supply more on her behalf. use her or lose her. h is expected to last another 5 billion years. h is commerce, interpolated. all women are elemental. in large amounts, all women are combiners.
unlike others.
p-am.mon.ia (NH3) is n- process. a black addition. he is fats and oils. he is superconduct.
i will love you all, C12H22O11 (baby love)
Poly and Fascinate x x
Dearest, I am quite the sensualist these days. You will not know me now. I say this in the hope that you, my other half, might some day share in the relationships I have built. I am interested in the same cornerstones you once drew my attention to. I am something of a late developer, I know. But now my life is as sane as yours once was. I am aware of those around our family who have pretended and those who, lacking even that ability, have opted to shock you with news, all false, of my wanderings. I am still with the same two gods, believe me dear. I never left them. I never squandered what we made. It is 'they' who are animals, not us. I remain chaste until we meet. Message here and I will come to you.
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